An Upper West Side Story Review

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

PUBLISH DATE: July 6, 2023


Remember the world before iPhones, Ubers, and streaming on Netflix?
It’s 2004 in Manhattan, and real estate is the driving factor behind most relationship decisions. Only here can strangers go from roommates to friends to lovers in less time than it takes a co-op board to approve a purchase.

Robin Cromwell is in desperate need of a roommate. She’s lucked into a rent-controlled classic-six on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, but her best friend is moving, and she can’t afford to live there alone. In addition, Robin is struggling romantically and professionally – her attempts at online dating have left her with nothing but amusing stories, and she’s overdue for a promotion she’s unlikely to get. Though the rest of her life may be spiraling downward, Robin will do what it takes to hold onto this once-in-a-lifetime real estate opportunity.

Jessica Barlowe is counting the days until she moves in with her boyfriend in his renovated one-bedroom co-op. That is until she walks in on him with another woman, and all her plans, including where she is going to live, disappear into thin air. Jess is using her degree from RISD to work in a graphics department editing presentations all day – a far cry from her dreams of having her own photography gallery in SoHo. She refuses to give up on her New York City dreams and run back to her family in Northern California. When she meets a stranger in the hallway, it seems crazy to accept the invitation to live together, but sometimes the riskiest leaps are the most rewarding.

Tory Wallace is determined to move out from under her abhorrent parents’ roof, even if that roof is covering a $50 million brownstone on the Upper East Side. The tension at home has reached a boiling point, and she’s finally ready to forgo the comforts of trust-fund-living, and she’ll pick through ads on Craigslist or learn how to cook and take the subway if that’s what it takes.

Zach Sullivan is a successful technology executive living in a modernized pre-war two-bedroom on West 78th Street. While triumphant in his career, Zach has never recovered from a painful incident during his senior year of college, leaving a gaping hole in his personal life. He’d never planned on renting out his spare bedroom, but a chance encounter results in an impulsive offer that will change his life forever.

An Upper West Side Story is an engaging and heartwarming story about love, friendship, and that time in life when friends are family and drinks at a dive bar in Manhattan can solve all your troubles.


An Upper West Side Story by Rachel Cullen takes readers back to 2004 Manhattan, where real estate decisions shape relationships. Robin Cromwell finds herself in need of a roommate to share her rent-controlled apartment. Meanwhile, Jessica Barlowe’s plans crumble when she discovers her boyfriend’s infidelity, and Tory Wallace seeks independence from her wealthy family. Their lives intersect with Zach Sullivan, a successful executive with a painful past. As they navigate love, friendship, and the challenges of life, their experiences form the heart of this engaging tale.

The description of an Upper West Side Story sets high expectations for a captivating read, and the story flows quickly, making it suitable for a beach read or a light escape. However, the use of four first-person points of view in the present tense can be disorienting. It becomes a challenge to remember whose perspective each chapter represents, and the voices of the characters tend to blend together, making it difficult to form a distinct connection with any particular individual.

One aspect that detracts from the story is the lack of significant development when dramatic events occur. The plotlines seem to fizzle out without a satisfying resolution or meaningful impact on the characters’ lives. This leaves the reader feeling somewhat disconnected and less invested in their journeys.

While Zach’s character is initially presented as likable, his plotline takes a turn that may come across as creepy or uncomfortable for some readers. This detracts from the overall enjoyment of the book and creates a dissonance within the narrative.

Unfortunately, an Upper West Side Story does not live up to the initial excitement generated by its description. The lack of a strong connection with the characters, unresolved dramatic moments, and muddled voices make it challenging to fully engage with the story. While there are some enjoyable elements, the book falls short of delivering a truly compelling and unforgettable reading experience.

In conclusion, An Upper West Side Story offers glimpses of love, friendship, and the charm of New York City’s Upper West Side. However, its execution falls short of its potential, leaving readers wanting more depth and cohesiveness in both the characters and their journeys.

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