Drizzle, Dreams, and Lovestruck Things Review

The Singh sisters grew up helping their father navigate the bustle of the Songbird Inn. Nestled on dreamy and drizzly Orcas Island in the Pacific Northwest, the inn’s always been warm and cozy and filled with interesting guests—the perfect home. But things are about to heat up now that the Songbird has been named the Most Romantic Inn in America.

Nidhi has everything planned out—until a storm brings a wayward tree crashing into her life one autumn . . . and along with it, an intriguing construction worker and a yearning for her motherland. Suddenly, she’s questioning everything she thought she wanted.

Avani can’t sit still. If she does, her grief for Pop, their dad’s late husband, will overwhelm her. So she keeps moving as much as she can, planning an elaborate Winter Ball in Pop’s memory. Until a blizzard traps her in a barn with the boy she accidentally stood up and has been actively avoiding ever since.

Sirisha loves seeing the world through her camera, but her shyness prevents her from stepping out from behind the lens. Talking to girls is such a struggle! When a pretty actress comes to the Songbird with her theater troupe, spring has sprung for Sirisha—if only she can find the words.

Rani is a hopeless romantic through and through. After gently nudging her sisters to open their hearts, she is convinced it’s finally her turn to find love. When two potential suitors float in on a summer breeze, Rani is swept up in grandeur to match her wildest Bollywood dreams. But which boy is the one she’s meant to be with?

Ultimately, the magic of the Songbird Inn leads the tight-knit Singh sisters to new passions and breathtaking kisses—and to unearth the truest versions of themselves.

Maya Prasad’s “Drizzle, Dreams, and Lovestruck Things” invites readers into the enchanting world of the Singh sisters and the cozy Songbird Inn, nestled on the dreamy Orcas Island off the coast of the Pacific Northwest. With its blend of romance, sisterhood, and island charm, this YA rom-com delivers a heartwarming and wholesome tale that celebrates the bonds of family and the magic of love.

The novel follows the journey of four sisters—Nidhi, Avani, Sirisha, and Rani—as they navigate love, loss, and self-discovery against the backdrop of the ever-changing seasons. From Nidhi’s quest for identity and belonging to Avani’s struggle with grief and acceptance, each sister’s story is imbued with depth, allowing readers to connect with their individual struggles and triumphs.

Prasad excels in capturing the intricacies of sisterhood, portraying the genuine love and support shared between the siblings with authenticity and warmth. The dynamic relationships between the sisters form the heart of the narrative, infusing it with moments of laughter, tears, and heartfelt moments of connection.

While the novel’s premise is undeniably charming and unique, with each sister’s story unfolding across a different season, the pacing and length of each arc vary, resulting in a slightly disjointed reading experience. Additionally, by the time readers reach the fourth sister’s story, the formulaic nature of the narrative becomes apparent, detracting from the overall impact of the storytelling.

Despite these minor flaws, “Drizzle, Dreams, and Lovestruck Things” is a delightful and charming tale that is sure to appeal to fans of YA rom-coms. Prasad skillfully weaves together themes of longing, loss, acceptance, and change, infusing the narrative with depth and resonance.

One notable aspect of the novel is its exploration of characters beyond their romantic entanglements. Each sister grapples with personal struggles and growth outside of their love interests, adding layers of complexity to their narratives and making them feel more relatable and well-rounded.

However, there are moments where certain details feel unnecessary or disrupt the flow of the story, such as the casual conversation during skiing—an unrealistic scenario that detracts from the authenticity of the narrative.

Additionally, Prasad’s portrayal of shyness as synonymous with introversion may perpetuate misconceptions, but overall, the novel offers a charming and uplifting reading experience.

In conclusion, “Drizzle, Dreams, and Lovestruck Things” is a heartwarming and wholesome read that celebrates the power of sisterhood, family, and love. Despite its minor flaws, it delivers a charming tale filled with thoughtful themes and memorable characters, making it a perfect choice for readers seeking a cozy escape into a world of romance and magic.

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