Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension Review

Author: Rita Feinstein

Release Date: March 12, 2024

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


It’s easy to believe in the apocalypse when you’re losing your religion.

NASA has assured everyone the passage of rogue planet Malachite will be safe, but Crosby’s been getting other messages―from a fortune teller and Malachite truther message boards. And now she believes that Malachite will kill everyone who doesn’t ascend to the fourth dimension―a higher plane that transcends physicality.

She tries to prepare her friends and family to leave their bodies behind and raise their frequency by changing their diets, wearing the right crystals, and moving into her friend’s bunker before it’s too late. But no one is listening.

The more time she spends trying to talk her roommate and her quirky friends into her apocalypse plans, the more Crosby is forced to face the cracks in everything she believes to be true.

This novel in verse explores the danger and humanity of conspiracy in a post-truth world through empathy, friendship, and forgiveness.


Rita Feinstein’s “Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension” invites readers into a world where belief teeters on the edge of reality, exploring the danger and humanity of conspiracy in a post-truth era. Set against the backdrop of impending apocalypse, this novel in verse weaves together themes of friendship, empathy, and the search for truth in a world inundated with misinformation.

At the center of the narrative is Crosby, a protagonist grappling with the weight of impending doom as rogue planet Malachite hurtles towards Earth. Convinced that salvation lies in ascending to the fourth dimension, Crosby embarks on a mission to prepare her friends and family for the inevitable cosmic event. However, as she delves deeper into her apocalyptic beliefs, Crosby is forced to confront the cracks in her convictions and the consequences of blind faith.

Feinstein’s storytelling is both unique and enchanting, drawing readers into Crosby’s world with rich imagery and visceral emotions. The verse format of the novel lends itself perfectly to the atmospheric and fast-paced nature of the story, immersing readers in Crosby’s journey of self-discovery and disillusionment.

Throughout the narrative, Feinstein expertly navigates the complexities of belief and conspiracy, shining a light on how easily individuals can fall prey to misinformation and false promises. Inspired by the events of 2020 and the conspiracies that followed in its wake, “Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension” offers a poignant reflection on the power of belief and the consequences of unchecked paranoia.

The novel’s ensemble cast of characters, including Crosby’s roommate Bailey and her quirky friends, adds depth and dimension to the narrative, providing moments of levity amidst the looming apocalypse. However, unresolved storylines, such as that of Shannon, leave readers yearning for closure, detracting slightly from the overall satisfaction of the ending.

Yet, despite its flaws, “Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension” remains a must-read for those seeking a thought-provoking exploration of belief and humanity in a world fraught with uncertainty. Feinstein’s fresh take on the theme of blind faith offers a timely reminder of the importance of critical thinking and empathy in the face of conspiracy.

In conclusion, “Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension” is a powerful and evocative novel that lingers in the mind long after the final page. With its compelling characters, rich imagery, and thought-provoking themes, it is sure to captivate readers seeking an immersive and introspective literary experience.

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