A Refreshing Summer Escape

Book: Beach Cute

Author: Beth Reekles

Publication Date: May 21, 2024

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


Luna, Rory and Jodie are strangers in the need of a vacation…

Luna has unexpectedly broken up with her boyfriend.

Rory has to come up with a creative way to break it to her family she wants to pursue her art passion.

And as for Jodie – she feels lost in both life and love.

But these three strangers have one other thing in common…they are on their way to the same resort. As their lives collide in unexpected ways will they have the summer they’ll never forget?


“Beach Cute” by Beth Reekles offers readers a delightful summer escape, blending sunshine, sand, and personal growth in a heartwarming tale of friendship and self-discovery. In this charming story, three strangers—Luna, Rory, and Jodie—find themselves at a crossroads in life, each in need of a vacation for their own reasons.

The narrative unfolds as Luna grapples with an unexpected breakup, Rory navigates the challenge of pursuing her artistic passion against familial expectations, and Jodie struggles with feelings of aimlessness in both life and love. Their paths converge at a seaside resort, where they embark on a journey of self-reflection and unexpected connections.

One of the novel’s standout features is its portrayal of flawed yet relatable characters. Reekles skillfully crafts Luna, Rory, and Jodie as individuals with their own strengths, weaknesses, and insecurities, allowing readers to empathize with their struggles and root for their personal growth throughout the story. The alternating points of view offer insight into each character’s inner thoughts and feelings, enriching the narrative with depth and authenticity.

The friendships that blossom between Luna, Rory, and Jodie serve as the heart of the story, demonstrating the transformative power of genuine connection and support. As they navigate challenges and share moments of laughter and camaraderie, the bonds they form prove to be both uplifting and enduring.

While “Beach Cute” offers a light and enjoyable read, there are moments where the pacing feels slightly sluggish, particularly in the middle sections of the novel. However, this minor flaw is overshadowed by the novel’s overall charm and warmth.

At its core, “Beach Cute” is a celebration of the importance of embracing one’s unique qualities and finding strength in authenticity. Through the experiences of Luna, Rory, and Jodie, readers are reminded that true friendship and self-discovery often occur when we least expect it, and that the journey to personal fulfillment is as much about the connections we forge as it is about the destination.

Perfect for lounging by the pool or soaking up the sun at the beach, “Beach Cute” is a delightful summer read that will leave readers with a smile on their faces and a renewed appreciation for the beauty of friendship and self-discovery.

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