Delving into Dark Mysteries

Book: A Study in Drowning

Author: Ava Reid


Effy Sayre has always believed in fairy tales. Haunted by visions of the Fairy King since childhood, she’s had no choice. Her tattered copy of Angharad—Emrys Myrddin’s epic about a mortal girl who falls in love with the Fairy King, then destroys him—is the only thing keeping her afloat. So when Myrddin’s family announces a contest to redesign the late author’s estate, Effy feels certain it’s her destiny.

But musty, decrepit Hiraeth Manor is an impossible task, and its residents are far from welcoming. Including Preston Héloury, a stodgy young literature scholar determined to expose Myrddin as a fraud. As the two rivals piece together clues about Myrddin’s legacy, dark forces, both mortal and magical, conspire against them—and the truth may bring them both to ruin.


“A Study in Drowning” by Ava Reid plunges readers into a realm where fairy tales intertwine with dark secrets and the past casts a long shadow over the present. With its evocative atmosphere and intriguing plot, Reid weaves a tale that is both captivating and haunting, though not without its flaws.

Effy Sayre, haunted by visions of the Fairy King since childhood, finds herself drawn into a contest to redesign the estate of the late author Emrys Myrddin. However, her aspirations are met with challenges, including the skepticism of literature scholar Preston Héloury. As they delve deeper into Myrddin’s legacy, they uncover dark forces and secrets that threaten to unravel them both.

Reid’s writing is evocative and immersive, painting a vivid picture of the decrepit Hiraeth Manor and its mysterious inhabitants. The gothic atmosphere lends a sense of foreboding to the narrative, keeping readers on edge as they unravel the mysteries lurking within its walls.

The plot of “A Study in Drowning” is both unique and compelling, blending elements of fantasy, mystery, and romance. However, the pacing can be uneven, with the story feeling rushed at times and stretched thin at others. While the plot twist may be somewhat predictable, Reid’s execution keeps readers engaged and eager to uncover the truth alongside the protagonists.

Effy and Preston, while serving as capable conduits for the narrative, may fall short in terms of depth and complexity. Effy’s struggles with her visions and her connection to the Fairy King are intriguing, but her character development feels somewhat lacking. Preston, on the other hand, shines as a compelling foil to Effy, with his skepticism and determination adding depth to the dynamic between the two protagonists.

One aspect of note is Reid’s adept handling of accents, particularly Preston’s, which adds authenticity to the characters’ dialogue and interactions. Additionally, the incorporation of myths and legends enriches the world-building, adding layers of depth and intrigue to the narrative.

In conclusion, “A Study in Drowning” offers readers a dark and atmospheric journey into the realm of fairy tales and secrets. While it may falter in pacing and character development, its evocative setting and compelling plot make it a worthwhile read for fans of gothic mysteries and fantastical tales. With its blend of romance, mystery, and fantasy, it leaves readers eagerly anticipating what mysteries lie beyond the next darkened corridor.

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