Twisted Fairytale Magic: The Severed Thread Review

Author: Leslie Vedder


Which threads of fate will hold—and which will break?

Fi has awakened the sleeping prince, but the battle for Andar is far from over. The Spindle Witch, the Witch Hunters, and Fi’s own Butterfly Curse all stand between them and happily ever after.

Shane has her partner’s back. But she’s in for the fight of her life against Red, the right hand of the Spindle Witch who she’s also, foolishly, hellbent on saving.

Briar Rose would do anything to restore his kingdom. But there’s a darkness creeping inside him—a sinister bond to the Spindle Witch he can’t escape.

All hopes of restoring Andar rest on deciphering a mysterious book code, finding the hidden city of the last Witches, and uncovering a secret lost for centuries—one that just might hold the key to the Spindle Witch’s defeat. If they can all survive that long…


In “The Severed Thread” by Leslie Vedder, readers are once again immersed in the thrilling and enchanting world first introduced in “The Bone Spindle.” With clever protagonist Fi and her ax-wielding partner Shane leading the charge, this action-packed sequel delivers a captivating blend of Indiana Jones-style adventure and fairy tale retellings.

One of the strongest aspects of the novel is the enduring friendship between Fi and Shane, which adds depth and heart to the story. Their bond is tested as they face formidable foes, including the menacing Red, right hand of the Spindle Witch. The romantic tension between Shane and Red adds an intriguing layer of complexity to the narrative, keeping readers on the edge of their seats.

While the plot and pacing may feel uneven at times, with moments of intense action followed by slower periods of reflection, Vedder expertly weaves together elements of mystery, romance, and adventure to create a compelling narrative. However, some readers may find themselves craving more world-building to fully immerse themselves in the fantastical setting.

Despite these minor drawbacks, “The Severed Thread” is a worthy sequel that builds upon the strengths of its predecessor while introducing new twists and turns. While the main mystery may remain unsolved by the end (and hopefully it’s solved in Book #3), the journey to uncover secrets lost for centuries is a thrilling ride filled with surprises and unexpected revelations.

Overall, “The Severed Thread” is a must-read for fans of twisted fairy tales and adventurous quests. With its captivating characters, heart-pounding romance, and pulse-pounding action, this novel will leave readers eagerly anticipating the next installment in the series.

Click here to see my review of Book #1-The Bone Spindle

Click here to see my review of Book #1-The Cursed Rose

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