These Hollow Vows Review

Author: Lexi Ryan


Brie hates the Fae and refuses to have anything to do with them, even if that means starving on the street. But when her sister is sold to the sadistic king of the Unseelie court to pay a debt, she’ll do whatever it takes to get her back—including making a deal with the king himself to steal three magical relics from the Seelie court.

Gaining unfettered access to the Seelie court is easier said than done. Brie’s only choice is to pose as a potential bride for Prince Ronan, and she soon finds herself falling for him. Unwilling to let her heart distract her, she accepts help from a band of Unseelie misfits with their own secret agenda. As Brie spends time with their mysterious leader, Finn, she struggles to resist his seductive charm.

Caught between two dangerous courts, Brie must decide who to trust with her loyalty. And with her heart.


In Lexi Ryan’s “These Hollow Vows,” readers are thrust into a world where faerie courts reign supreme and alliances are fragile. While the premise of the story holds promise, the execution falls somewhat flat, leaving behind a tale that feels all too familiar.

Brie, our protagonist, is thrust into a perilous situation when her sister is sold to the sadistic king of the Unseelie court. Determined to rescue her sibling, Brie strikes a dangerous deal with the king himself, embarking on a mission to steal three magical relics from the Seelie court. However, as she navigates the treacherous world of faerie politics, Brie finds herself caught between two seductive princes and must decide where her loyalties truly lie.

While the concept of the story is intriguing, the execution leaves much to be desired. The love triangle trope, while popular in fantasy literature, feels tired and overused in this context. Predictability plagues the narrative, with the outcome of the romantic entanglement feeling apparent from the outset. Moreover, Brie’s singular focus on her romantic endeavors detracts from the urgency of her mission to rescue her sister, making her character development feel shallow and unfulfilling.

Despite these shortcomings, “These Hollow Vows” does boast some redeeming qualities. The pacing is commendable, keeping readers engaged and eager to uncover the next twist and turn. The premise of faerie courts and magical relics adds an element of intrigue to the story, offering glimpses of the rich world-building potential that the author possesses.

In the end, “These Hollow Vows” may not break new ground in the fantasy genre, but it offers an entertaining escape for readers seeking a familiar yet enjoyable tale of love, betrayal, and faerie intrigue.

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