A Complex Tapestry of Magic and Mystery

Book: Blood Debts

Author: Terry J. Benton-Walker


On the anniversary of these brutal events, Clement and Cristina Trudeau—the sixteen-year-old twin heirs to the powerful, magical, dethroned family—are mourning their father and caring for their sick mother. Until, by chance, they discover their mother isn’t sick—she’s cursed. Cursed by someone on the very magic council their family used to rule. Someone who will come for them next.

Cristina, once a talented and dedicated practitioner of Generational magic, has given up magic for good. An ancient spell is what killed their father and she was the one who cast it. For Clement, magic is his lifeline. A distraction from his anger and pain. Even better than the random guys he hooks up with.

Cristina and Clement used to be each other’s most trusted confidant and friend, now they barely speak. But if they have any hope of discovering who is coming after their family, they’ll have to find a way to trust each other and their family’s magic, all while solving the decades-old murder that sparked the still-rising tensions between the city’s magical and non-magical communities. And if they don’t succeed, New Orleans may see another massacre. Or worse.


Terry J. Benton-Walker’s “Blood Debts” offers readers a captivating journey into a world where magic and mystery intertwine against the backdrop of modern-day New Orleans. With its intricate plot lines, diverse characters, and exploration of familial bonds, the novel presents a compelling blend of urban fantasy and murder mystery.

At the heart of the narrative are Clement and Cristina Trudeau, twin heirs to a powerful magical family grappling with the aftermath of a devastating curse and a decades-old murder. As tensions rise between the magical and non-magical communities of New Orleans, the siblings must navigate treacherous waters to uncover the truth and protect their family from further harm.

Benton-Walker weaves a complex tapestry of family history, magical ethics, and romantic entanglements, drawing readers into a world where ancient secrets and modern conflicts collide. The novel’s urban fantasy setting provides a rich backdrop for the exploration of themes such as identity, power, and the consequences of past actions.

The characterization of Clement and Cristina is a highlight of the novel, with both protagonists displaying depth, complexity, and relatable flaws. Clement’s open personality and love of books add charm to his character, while Cristina’s internal conflict and moral dilemmas add depth to her arc. The inclusion of POC and queer main characters adds diversity and representation to the narrative, enriching the story with their unique perspectives and experiences.

However, “Blood Debts” is not without its flaws. The novel’s pacing can be stop-and-go at times, with multiple perspectives and plot lines contributing to a somewhat disjointed narrative flow. Additionally, while the exploration of magical ethics is intriguing, some aspects of the world-building could benefit from more showing and less telling, allowing readers to fully immerse themselves in the magical lore of the story.

Despite these shortcomings, “Blood Debts” is a compelling read that will appeal to fans of urban fantasy and murder mysteries alike. With its blend of magic, mystery, and family drama, Benton-Walker’s novel offers an engaging and thought-provoking exploration of love, loss, and the bonds that tie us together, even in the face of danger and betrayal.

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